FI Journey

How I analyse my personal finances

Monthly Expenses 2021 Q3

Monthly Expenses 2021 Q3 Details into my monthly expenses and how it has helped me make progress towards my Financial Independence goals.I track monthly expenses as well as FI Progress.  Motivation for tracking expenses Knowing where each penny earned is a fundamental pillar for financial success. Whether this is for a small business, a large …

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Italy expenses tracking

Tracking Vacation Expenses

Tracking Vacation Expenses The value of tracking vacation expenses The immediate and most prominent con of tracking vacation expenses is that you have to be aware of what you spend. This in itself could be thought of a detractor as it could innately be absorbing the joy away from the vacation. Indeed, to some this …

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Starting The FI Journey

Going from 40K dollars in debt, to being debt free was exciting and rewarding. Today I am essentially at point zero, and far away from financial independence, but with focus, strategy and consistently achieving at least small 1%’s everyday, I aim to get there within 8-10 years.